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Getting your digestive tract to a truly healthy place.

Writer's picture: Amy Branum Amy Branum

Digestive discomfort is not something that we should just tolerate. It is our body communicating with us that something is off, that our body is not dealing well with a food we are eating. And when that is happening, that means we are experiencing inflammation in our gut, too much of this inflammation can increase inflammation in other parts of our body, or reduce our immune function, lead to leaky gut, which can therefore lead to more inflammation, autoimmune conditions and other immune issues.

Digestive discomfort is not something to ignore. It is something to listen to. And something to address.

Although it is widely ignored in American culture, there usually comes a point in life that it can no longer be ignored. Digestive disorders are all too common here.

GERD (Gastroesophogeal reflux disease ) is one of the most commonly diagnosed digestive disorders in the country.

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney disease states that 16 out of 100 adults experience 'symptoms of constipation', however it also defines constipation as having less than 3 bowel movements per week (!?!). (That is certainly constipated. you should have a bowel movement every day.)

Colorectal cancer is the 3rd leading cause of deaths due to cancer.

IBS affects about 10-15% of the US population and this number is similar for the world population.

Diverticulosis affects 30% of the population between ages 50-59 Andover 70% of those over 80.

I promise you that the people who are in these disease statistics had digestive symptoms/discomfort for years before diagnosis.

So why not get it under control now? Why not enjoy the rest of your life with this having less of an effect on your life?

In order to do this, yes, you do have to change your diet and dietary habits. Yes you will have to remove some foods, at least for a while until your body and gut can heal. Yes, some of these may be your favorite foods. But what's the trade off...

Less inflammation in your body can mean less aches and pains (almost everyone with this has a significant, if not complete, reduction).

Sometimes weight loss happens immediately because the inflammation has people holding so much water weight.

But weight loss also usually happens if there is excessive weight.

Reduced allergy symptoms.

Reduced autoimmune symptoms.

Less mood swings, elevated mood.

And countless more, it really just depends on the individual.

Eating to nourish is a conscious act, you have to put work and thought into it until it becomes habit. Eating to just feel full does not necessarily nourish our body in the way it needs it. We need the proper amounts of protein and vegetables, fruits, and fats to have our body function in the way that feels best. - and this is not exactly the same for everyone.

And there is a lot of damaging information out there. Just because something has worked for some people does not mean it will work for you. It actually may make things worse.

Maybe you don't need to cleanse, maybe you need to build, maybe you need to slow down, maybe you need to chew more.

Start with eating fresher available foods. Retrain your mind to appreciate the beauty in chopping your vegetables, and cooking them yourself. Follow healthy sources on social media, get inspired, buy the groceries and cook it. Go all the way! don't just save them for later. Take it one meal at a time. One recipe at a time. One new food at a time. Baby steps will get you there.

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